
Still Life With Oak Branch

by Gianfranco Palmery


home libri autori videoclip edizioni


Reading by Barbara Carle

Video by Nancy Watkins



Original Book

Gianfranco Palmery
Giardino di delizie e altre vanità
With eight drawings by the author
1999 Pages 112 Euro 12,00

ISBN 978-88-89299-20-3

Gianfranco Palmery Giardino di delizie e altre vanità



I videoclip richiedono il programma Quicktime. Per scaricarlo da internet:


Poems from the book Giardino di delizie e altre vanità (Garden of Delights) by Gianfranco Palmery

Translation by Barbara Carle



A relic from the sky, dripping
celestial water: this is why we have lifted it
from the ground, truncated branch
at the foot of the oak, after the rapid
storm, when we came out of warm rooms:
dense with soaked leaves and tomorrow
dry or rotten, now on the table
the knotty shoot shimmers among
other fatuous splendors severed by human
hands: narcissus, anemones, violets,
nasturtiums: slices of earth and sky here
reunited to decorate for us and say—what?
An oak has lost a limb; a spider
its shade, shelter, which it cannot yet
renounce and running as though maddened
it still seeks the debris that no longer
possesses breath—yet it's not mere matter
that will rot: lustrous trophy and contorted
crown to the fallen and to itself: docile
model for this still life.



Garden of Delights and other Vanitas web page

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